Faster Trade School
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If you’ve thought to yourself:
“Isn’t there a better way to train new hires than a high-dollar trade school?”
You’re 100% right, and this could be your answer.
Trade schools aren’t the only game in town anymore for tech training. And they have some big disadvantages:
Most trade school programs can take eight months to two years to complete. That’s a long time to wait before a new hire can work and make you money.
As you know, good new technicians are in demand. If one of your competitors sees your new hire at a trade school… they could poach him away from you before he graduates. You’d be out a lot of money, with no new employee to show for your investment.
And in business, time is…
Trade school programs can cost several thousand dollars. That’s a big chunk of change for one hire. It can run into the tens of thousands of dollars with multiple new guys.
This higher tuition takes you longer to make back the money you invested in a trade school, and with a lower ROI.
Traditional trade schools have to pay for a lot of overhead: buildings, equipment and teachers’ salaries. That’s why these schools are more expensive than other, newer options.
Accuracy of training
Not all trade schools are as good or teach all the right information the right way.
If a new tech gets the wrong training, it can cost you or your staff time and money to correct those bad habits… and replace them with good ones.
This can also make for friction in your company, because one of your senior techs got mad at the new guy for a mistake.
It hurts the new hire because he didn’t know any better. He isn’t trying to mess up, he just got bad information from someone.
I think all of us have gotten bad advice in our lives at one time or another.
Either with a hot stock tip… new business opportunity that “couldn’t miss” … or someone to go on a date with.
It may have cost us time, money or bruised our ego at worse. We’ve been in the new guy’s shoes at one time in our life, where we got bad results from bad information.
So how can you make sure your new hire gets the right information, without investing a lot of time or money?
It’s found in our Special Report:
The 5 Simple Steps to Find, Hire and Train Top Technicians in 30 Days or Less.
Just click the button below, and you’ll find a better, less expensive and faster way to train a new tech.
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